The Golden Triangle
How can place and research be mutually informing, both in terms of practice and content?
The Golden Triangle undertake research in situated contexts. Each centre of the Golden Triangle has its task in the world, based on the genius loci of its location. The genius loci also informs the research themes through the threefold picture of the human being and the kingdoms of nature.
The focus of the Golden Triangle is on post-doctoral research undertaken at the three sites. Through staff training and staff development programme, this post-doctoral research cascades into the Ruskin Mill Centre for Practice and supports the direction of travel in both the PhD and Masters research into the Ruskin Mill Trust method and the Fields of Practice.
The Field Centre
Gloucestershire, England
Research is undertaken in animal morphology and the philosophy and history of Goethe’s scientific studies. Both of these research areas explore morphology, relationship and sequence, all of which can be applied to the student experience, the Trust’s method, and staff training and development.
Associate researchers, Dr Troy Vine, Dr Judyth Sassoon
The Life Science Centre
East Lothian, Scotland
Research focuses on plants; botany and ecology, and has a particular emphasis on the native plants of the area. In looking at the qualities of these plants and herbs, the research inform the land curriculum at the schools and colleges and how students engage in growing herbs for wellbeing.
Associate researcher, Dr Katherine Buchanan
The Castelliz Centre
Pembrokeshire, Wales
At the Castelliz Centre, the area of research focus is mineralogy and the landscape, and how the minerals and rocks shape and influence the landscapes in which the students work, and how the landscapes affect the student experience.
Associate researcher, Laura Wallwork, MSc