Revitalist is a new initiative that intends to take further the concept of Social Farming by elaborating a new curriculum based on a social and therapeutic method of education (Practical Skills Therapeutic Education, PSTE), by creating and collecting a pool of background materials and by establishing a network of professionals, and this way responding to several European regional and local policy needs. The target groups of the new curriculum are social farm employees, and social and agricultural professionals.
Ruskin Mill Trust has co-authored the following documents in partnership with Revitalist and the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Trainer’s Guide: Social Farm Mentor Training
For better comprehensibility of the social farm mentor training curriculum, we have prepared a handbook for those who are interested in the diverse activities of social farms (SF) and thinking about a training designed for those colleagues who work directly with the social farm target group members.
The handbook provides detailed information on the teaching of the training units. The units detail the theoretical background and practical achievement of the Practical Skills Therapeutic Education (PSTE method), the specifics of the SF target groups, the aspects of long-term sustainability of SFs and last but not least the adaptability of the mentor training to different conditions.
Exploring economic viability in social farms
The economic viability handbook is a learning material for the economic viability unit of the social farm mentor training. In addition to the social and environmental aspects of sustainability, the creation of an economic pillar is inevitable, of which social farms are no exception. This handbook aims to help by explaining the main aspects of an entrepreneurial approach, calculating economic profitability, and emphasizing the role of marketing and resource creation.
In the last chapter of the handbook, the reader can get acquainted with social farms operating in the Czech Republic, England, Italy and Hungary, with their operating strategies, sales concepts and the difficulties they have experienced.