Steiner Educational Insights

This course aims to provide a broad outline of Rudolf Steiner’s indications regarding physical, emotional and spiritual development from birth to young adulthood.

This course aims to support RMT staff in developing their pedagogical insights. Whilst giving Steiner’s insights into child development, this course allows staff to deepen their understanding of the underlying developmental principles of Practical Skills Therapeutic Education and the Seven Fields of Practice. Applications are now open for September.

Three primary themes are explored and woven through these topics:

  • An introduction to principles and primary indications of Steiner’s anthropology and psychology

  • Pictures of the differentiated human organism

  • Reflections on the developmental phases from infancy to adolescence


Course information and application:

RMT staff: No fee

Venues and dates:

Glasshouse College Stourbridge DY8 4HF

4 Oct; 24 Oct; 28 Nov; 23 Jan; 13 Feb

Freeman College Sterling Works, Sheffield S1 2NG

13 Mar; 22 May; 12 June; 26 June; 3 July

Participants will attend one of the set of dates shown above.

Booking: Complete CPD form with line manager and send to HEaRT

Many of Steiner's key educational insights are based on a fourfold model of the human being and its relationship to the world

Trevor Mepham, course leader