Colour Workshop
This workshop, for exploring and deepening insights into colour, will be of interest to teachers, therapists, and those interested in Goethean science.
Saturday 21 January
10.00 – 16.00
The Festival Room, Ruskin Mill, GL6 0LA
Fee £25 (RMT staff no charge)
Workshop programme
10:00–11:30 How Real are Coloured Shadows? New Research Perspectives
Matthias Rang, Co-leader of the Natural Science Section of the Goetheanum
11:30–12:00 Break
12:00–13:00 Newton and Goethe as Founders of Holistic Science
Troy Vine, Associate Researcher at the Field Centre
13:00–14:00 Lunch (provided)
14:00–15:00 Exploring the Relationships between Colours
Nora Löbe, Artist and educator at the Swiss Science Centre Technorama
15:00–16:00 Introduction to Metal, Light, Colour Therapy
Hazel Adams, Art Therapist and Metal colour light therapist